Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Yuksom (Sikkim) photos in Reader's Digest Magazine

Although the Sikkim Trek is very fresh in my mind (and in my blogs; thanks to my laziness) it happened about six months ago. But just a few days back, I got a mail from an unknown person (via Picasa), asking me to mail my phone number to him. I thought the person wants to know about the Trek and hence wants to contact me.

But that was not to be. This gentleman calls me back and introduces him as (a very senior) Editor for Reader's Digest. I didn't believe him at first and actually googled his name. Only when I found a Wikipedia entry for him I realized whom I was speaking to.

So this guy requested to use some of my of Yuksom snaps which he liked in my Picasa web albums. Reader's Digest supplement - Joy, has an article in the October 2008 issue about the beautiful Yuksom and for that he needed some pics from my album. So I sent him close to thirty odd photographs from which he selected five.

The magazine is in stands now. Here's the scanned article with the photographs.

Having said all this, I must admit (and thank) Jeetu & Raman whose photos (one each) were also selected. Thanks guys. I owe you a treat when you are in Bangalore next!

I have given away my Canon S3 IS now, hoping to get my hands on a DSLR soon and take photography more seriously :-) Wish me luck!